I read a blog and it was about how the internet advertising has rose up to record levels. And many advertising sectors like search advertising, display related advertising and classified has increase its revenue from Read the rest of this entry »

Social media is really the next big thing in the marketing industry and it has already been proven, many of the big companies are making their company profile of social networks. And in there, the word spread like virus. The size of the business doesn’t matter, you will find small business like any store from your street and big businesses like Read the rest of this entry »

OK now this is too much. Wasn’t that enough that when you enter a site all the ads come up on your screen and don’t go away until you have to click X to make them go away. If you think that was annoying take a look at this Read the rest of this entry »


Starbucks is an international chain of coffeehouses. Its stores are well-known as the third place, between home and work, or meeting friends and family. Starbucks has recently started to encourage its customers to stay as long as they want by offering them free internet access. Many coffee shops and big chains like McDonalds have started offering free internet access which has squeezed Starbucks lately by competition. Read the rest of this entry »

Texting By Thinking..

Posted: September 11, 2010 in future mobile, internet, Technology

Remember that cartoon Johnny Quest if any one of you has seen it. It was one of my favorite cartoons growing up. And then, came matrix bigger version of it. Read the rest of this entry »

Chat Guru hold out:

I was going through mXNews and saw this article about the next big things on net. A 17-year-old Russian student Read the rest of this entry »

Its reputation has already been tarnished by iPhone 4 antenna problems, but now Apple faces a new PR nightmare as iPhone 3G owners say their handsets are barely usable after Apple pushed out a software update. Read the rest of this entry »