Latest Web Craze..

Posted: September 3, 2010 in Chatroulette, internet, networks, social networks

Chat Guru hold out:

I was going through mXNews and saw this article about the next big things on net. A 17-year-old Russian student is sitting on one the internet’s hottest properties since Facebook, but isn’t selling despite a massive bidding war.


It’s a great idea and a lot of development can be done on this site. You can meet many new people you don’t know and share whatever you what. And you don’t have to worry about any strings attached. So you are free to talk anything, share anything or do anything.


I was signed in for 20 minutes; I was waiting for some pretty girl to appear on the screen so I can have a pleasant conversation. But all I saw was hilarious, guys were sitting naked in front of their web cameras waiting for girls to appear (I guess). They just come on the screen see if it’s a guy and they are off to search another window where they might find some girl waiting for them 🙂

As long as there are no expertise and professionalism involved in developing the site, it is going to be miss used.

Personal Opinion:

I personally went to this site and found it quite boring, as it’s not yet associated with any big names e.g. Google, YouTube, etc, nor any investments have been done on the site so it’s pretty dull. It’s a simple while background and as you log in you are asked to allow to switch on your camera, And as you click “Allow” you are through to the network and are online with all the people on this site at that particular time.

I think a lot of experiments can be done on this site and sure it can become a next big thing. The purpose of the site seems be purely entertainment. You can develop games which you can play with these people you meet on this site and many more ideas can be brought forward.

Kindly put your comments about the article and how did you find it?



Article: Chat Guru holds out

  1. rubiscoob says:

    Thanks for the insights Raheel, I didn’t even know this website existed but it frightens me. You could say it is an internet based speed dating site, as from your comments I gather that people visiting this site are interested in primarily ‘one thing’, and I don’t think it is nice to be surprised by a naked man on my laptop – no thanks. Once again shows just how many people use the internet for this sort of passtime. Cheers, Rubiscoob

    • mraheelbaig says:

      Thanks Rubiscoob for the lovely comment. And ya you are so right about it, actually before i was about to sign in i knew what to expect from the site so i was not surprised totally. There may be a single person in 100 who would use this site as it was meant to be. Cheers, Raheel 🙂

  2. swinderella says:

    Hiya, do you know if this article is available online? I’d like to read it….

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