Internet Advertising Revenue Increases

Posted: October 18, 2010 in Advertising, internet, Marketing, networks

I read a blog and it was about how the internet advertising has rose up to record levels. And many advertising sectors like search advertising, display related advertising and classified has increase its revenue from previous years.

Online advertising is the latest and most effective form of advertising now a days, where people spend a lot of their time online. You would actually think that online advertising won’t work because clearly we don’t watch online advertising and we would think that they wouldn’t work. Well I thought so too until few days back where I saw the ad of a second hand drum kit on my facebook and I went searching for it and finally end up buying it. After I brought it home I was thinking I would have never went to search for a drum kit online or practically to a shop. But I don’t know how do they do it but certainly it worked for them and I bought the thing. There will be millions of people like me making purchases after seeing an online advertising. The reach is extra ordinary and the cost is not to high according to market it cover plus how precisely it does. Internet has totally revolutionized the advertising and whole marketing concepts.

Blog link

  1. For me its all about the internet and being online. Being an International student out here in Australia I do not really watch television or read too many Australian newspapers. I rely on every little information on the internet. All the new advertisements that I watched were all online specially on You-Tube. To be honest I cannot even remember the last time I watched an advertisement on television. The only other place I see ads are train stations and on the toilet doors at Swinburne University.Onlie advertising definately has the power to entice and engage customers.Specially when online advertising is so much cheaper and has the capability of reaching a global audience, I do not see any reason for it not being the top form of advertising in the next few years. Its almost getting there. The only hindrance for marketers is to drive online traffic towards their ad. But that can definately be done. Online advertising can be made so much more interactive and can be watched at your own pace and time.

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